German Book Translator

Imke Brodersen -
  • Weihnachtsgruß aus nordischen Fantasy-Welten
    Falls ihr euch in letzter Zeit gefragt habt: „Was macht eigentlich die Imke?“, lautet die unmittelbare Antwort: „Die sitzt am Schreibtisch oder ist mit dem Hund unterwegs.“ Kein Schneeleopard, sondern (…) Weiterlesen
  • Buchbranche im Homeoffice
    Dezember 2020. Normalerweise schicke ich im Advent dankbare Weihnachtsgrüße an die Lektoren und Lektorinnen meiner Verlage, gern mit einer persönlichen Bemerkung. Aber wie erreiche ich Sie dieses Jahr? Und wohin soll (…) Weiterlesen

Are you looking for a German copywriter for your health topics? Or for somebody who could provide information on health and healthcare information from Germany?

I love to write about all aspects of healthy living, whether for whole books or for blogs. Let us get into touch by email or phone (contact data below).


Remuneration for literary translations

Pursuant to the framework agreement of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. (German Publishers and Booksellers Association) the services of literature translators, authors and editors are charged according to standard pages.

In addition, translators are to be reasonably remunerated for the success (sales) of a work translated as well as for royalties.

The standard page comprises 30 lines with a max of 60 characters (including spaces), The order of the lines as in the original. More information found here for definition of standard lines of the Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels.

Remuneration per standard page depends greatly on the difficulty of the language used and/or context of the work and is individually agreed on via translation agreement. The applicable statutory sales tax will be charged separately.

For subjects relating to science and research or works requiring time-consuming research of original citations additional costs for research can incur in individual cases. You will be notified of this ahead of time during the editing process.

Interesting explanations on the calculation basis which also apply for translators can be found at the Association for Freelance Editors.

Send me the title or the text to be translated and I will prepare a quote for you.