German Book Translator

Imke Brodersen -
  • Weihnachtsgruß aus nordischen Fantasy-Welten
    Falls ihr euch in letzter Zeit gefragt habt: „Was macht eigentlich die Imke?“, lautet die unmittelbare Antwort: „Die sitzt am Schreibtisch oder ist mit dem Hund unterwegs.“ Kein Schneeleopard, sondern ein ungestümer junger Straßenhund hält mich auf Trab und ist das perfekte Gegengift gegen die modernen Seuche des Sitzens. Nutzt den Anrufbeantworter, ich rufe zurück! […]
  • Buchbranche im Homeoffice
    Dezember 2020. Normalerweise schicke ich im Advent dankbare Weihnachtsgrüße an die Lektoren und Lektorinnen meiner Verlage, gern mit einer persönlichen Bemerkung. Aber wie erreiche ich Sie dieses Jahr? Und wohin soll ich etwas schicken? Die ausgefallene Buchmesse Leipzig war im März der erste harte Schnitt, die massiv gekappte Frankfurter Buchmesse im Oktober der zweite. Dort kann […]

I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library.

A quote of Jorge Luis Borges that reflects my deeply rooted love for books.

Translations enable people to find out what people in different cultures are tackling with. Not as a fleeting twitter notice but thorougly thought-out and well-founded. And this new knowledge comes in an entertaining way whether in printed or in electronic form or as an audiobook.

Since 1991, I have translated between four and six books each year from English into German. Since 2000, my focus has increasingly switched to non-fiction.

My quality demand for popular science and/or guidebooks:

  • Correct and proper research
  • Clearly and comprehensively written
  • Target group oriented
  • Conveying what the author intended

My specialty subjects include chronic diseases, nutrition, metabolismbrain research, psychology and women's health. I am always open to new offers, and I appreciate the direct contact to my authors.


The right style - tailored to the target group - contextually correct

Some examples for my books can be found below. I will be happy to send you a sample of my work so that you can get an idea of how I work.

A complete overview of my translations in the area guidebooks & textbooks will be provided on request (PDF).

Your topic not mentioned? I still look forward to your request, because I am always interested in clever ideas and will do everything to keep the right style and tone of your text in German.

My most popular project, in German bookstores and also as e-book:

The German translation of "Wheat Belly" by William Davis, MD - highly recommended on several blogs and websites.

New in 2018, now in German bookstores:

The German translation of "Gender Medicine" by Marek Glezerman, M.D. - the groundbreaking new science of gender- and sex-related diagnosis and treatment.

Experience: Non-fiction



Gender Medicine



Healing with herbs



Rushing Woman Syndrome

Remuneration for literary translations

Pursuant to the framework agreement of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V. (German Publishers and Booksellers Association) the services of literature translators, authors and editors are charged according to standard pages.

In addition, translators are to be reasonably remunerated for the success (sales) of a work translated as well as for royalties.

The standard page comprises 30 lines with a max of 60 characters (including spaces), The order of the lines as in the original. More information found here for definition of standard lines of the Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels.

Remuneration per standard page depends greatly on the difficulty of the language used and/or context of the work and is individually agreed on via translation agreement. The applicable statutory sales tax will be charged separately.

For subjects relating to science and research or works requiring time-consuming research of original citations additional costs for research can incur in individual cases. You will be notified of this ahead of time during the editing process.

Interesting explanations on the calculation basis which also apply for translators can be found at the Association for Freelance Editors.

Send me the title or the text to be translated and I will prepare a quote for you.